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영어단어] 감정 관련 단어 정리

by 언올차 2024. 5. 20.

영어단어, 영어감정단어정리, 영어 감정단어, 영어공부.

영어 글을 읽거나 자신의 감정을 말로 설명하는 경우가 많습니다. 소설이 아닌 전문적인 에세이에서는 감정표현이 없어, 접할 기회가 줄어드는 것을 제가 느껴 이번에 한번 정리해보았습니다. 읽는 분들에게 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. 


### Positive Emotions


**Happiness / Joy / Elation / Euphoria**

- 행복 (Happiness): A state of well-being, joy, or contentment; the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction derived from positive experiences or circumstances.

- 기쁨 (Joy): A feeling of great happiness, delight, or pleasure, often resulting from positive experiences, achievements, or relationships.

- 환희 (Elation): A feeling of great joy, exhilaration, or exultation, often accompanied by a sense of triumph or accomplishment.

- 행복감 (Euphoria): An intense feeling of happiness, excitement, or well-being.


"I felt so much happiness when I got the job. It was pure joy and elation! Honestly, it felt like euphoria."


**Love / Affection / Adoration / Tenderness**

- 사랑 (Love): A deep and tender affection or attachment towards someone or something; a strong emotional bond characterized by caring, devotion, and intimacy.

- 애정 (Affection): A gentle or tender feeling of fondness, care, or love towards someone or something.

- 숭배 (Adoration): A feeling of deep love, reverence, or worship towards someone or something, often characterized by admiration or devotion.

- 부드러움 (Tenderness): A feeling of gentleness, warmth, or affection towards someone or something, often expressed through kind words, gestures, or actions.


"She shows so much love and affection towards her children. You can see the adoration in her eyes and the tenderness in her actions."


**Gratitude / Admiration**

- 감사 (Gratitude): The quality of being thankful, appreciative, or grateful for blessings, favors, or acts of kindness received from others.

- 존경 (Admiration): A feeling of respect, esteem, or appreciation for someone or something perceived as worthy of admiration, often accompanied by awe or reverence.


"I have a lot of gratitude for all the help you’ve given me. Your work ethic is something I truly admire."


**Hope / Optimism**

- 희망 (Hope): A feeling of optimism, expectation, or belief in the possibility of positive outcomes or future success, often providing motivation or resilience in difficult times.

- 낙관 (Optimism): A positive or hopeful outlook on life, characterized by confidence in the future and a belief in the possibility of favorable outcomes.

"Even in tough times, he never loses hope. His optimism is really inspiring."


**Contentment / Satisfaction / Serenity**

- 만족 (Contentment): A state of satisfaction, peace, or fulfillment with one's current situation, circumstances, or possessions.

- 만족 (Satisfaction): A feeling of contentment, fulfillment, or pleasure derived from fulfilling desires or achieving goals, often accompanied by a sense of accomplishment or pride.

- 평온 (Serenity): A feeling of calmness, tranquility, or peace of mind, often characterized by a sense of inner harmony or contentment.

"After finishing the project, I felt a deep sense of contentment and satisfaction. It brought a sense of serenity to my mind."


**Excitement / Enthusiasm / Anticipation**

- 흥분 (Excitement): A state of heightened arousal, enthusiasm, or anticipation towards upcoming events, opportunities, or experiences.

- 열정 (Enthusiasm): A feeling of intense excitement, passion, or eagerness towards something that interests or inspires, often accompanied by a strong sense of motivation or dedication.

- 예상 (Anticipation): A feeling of excitement or expectation about something that is about to happen or occur in the future.


"I'm filled with excitement and enthusiasm about the new venture. The anticipation of what's to come is thrilling."


**Compassion / Empathy / Sympathy**

- 동정심 (Compassion): The ability to understand and empathize with the suffering or misfortune of others, often accompanied by a desire to alleviate their pain or distress.

- 공감 (Empathy): The capacity to understand and share the feelings or experiences of another person, often accompanied by compassion or sympathy.

- 동정 (Sympathy): The ability to understand and share the feelings or experiences of another person, often accompanied by compassion or concern.


"Her compassion for others is unmatched. She has an amazing ability to show empathy and sympathy towards people in need."


**Pride / Empowerment**

- 자부심 (Pride): A feeling of satisfaction, self-respect, or accomplishment derived from one's achievements, abilities, or personal qualities.

- 자기결정 (Empowerment): The process of gaining control, authority, or influence over one's own life or circumstances.


"There's a lot of pride in seeing your hard work pay off. It gives you a real sense of empowerment."


### Negative Emotions


**Sadness / Grief / Melancholy**

- 슬픔 (Sadness): An emotional state characterized by feelings of sorrow, grief, or unhappiness, often in response to loss, disappointment, or hardship.

- 슬픔 (Grief): Intense sorrow or deep sadness, typically experienced in response to the loss of a loved one or significant life event.

- 우울 (Melancholy): A feeling of deep sadness, gloominess, or sorrow, often with no specific cause or reason.


"After hearing the news, I was overwhelmed with sadness and grief. It's been a melancholy time for all of us."


**Anger / Rage / Indignation**

- 분노 (Anger): An intense emotional response characterized by feelings of hostility, frustration, or irritation towards a perceived threat, injustice, or wrongdoing.

- 분노 (Rage): A feeling of intense anger, fury, or indignation, often accompanied by a desire for revenge or retaliation.

- 분개 (Indignation): A feeling of righteous anger, outrage, or resentment in response to perceived injustice, unfairness, or wrongdoing.


"I felt intense anger and even rage when I saw the injustice. It filled me with indignation."


**Anxiety / Nervousness / Insecurity**

- 불안 (Anxiety): A state of apprehension, uneasiness, or worry about future uncertainties, often accompanied by physiological symptoms such as increased heart rate or tension.

- 긴장 (Nervousness): A feeling of unease, apprehension, or tension, often accompanied by heightened awareness and anticipation of future events or outcomes.

- 불안 (Insecurity): Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.


"Before the presentation, I was filled with anxiety and nervousness. There was also a bit of insecurity about my performance."



- 두려움 (Fear): An emotional response to perceived danger, threat, or harm, characterized by feelings of dread, apprehension, or insecurity.


"There was a palpable fear in the room during the storm."


**Disappointment / Regret / Discontent**

- 실망 (Disappointment): A feeling of sadness, dissatisfaction, or disillusionment resulting from the non-fulfillment of one's hopes, expectations, or desires.

- 후회 (Regret): A feeling of sorrow, remorse, or sadness over a past action, decision, or missed opportunity.

- 불만 (Discontent): A feeling of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or displeasure with one's current situation, circumstances, or conditions.


"I couldn't hide my disappointment when things didn't go as planned. It led to some regret and general discontent."



- 외로움 (Loneliness): The state of feeling alone, isolated, or disconnected from others, often accompanied by a sense of emptiness or longing for companionship.


"Even in a crowded room, she felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness."


**Guilt / Shame / Embarrassment**

- 죄책감 (Guilt): A feeling of remorse, self-reproach, or responsibility for having committed a perceived wrongdoing, offense, or moral transgression.

- 수치심 (Shame): A painful feeling of humiliation, embarrassment, or guilt arising from a sense of wrongdoing, inadequacy, or social disapproval.

- 당혹 (Embarrassment): A feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.


"After the mistake, I was filled with guilt and shame. The embarrassment was hard to shake off."


**Jealousy / Envy / Resentment / Bitterness**

- 질투 (Jealousy): A feeling of envy, resentment, or insecurity aroused by the perceived advantage, success, or possessions of another person.

- 질투 (Envy): A feeling of jealousy, resentment, or covetousness towards someone else's possessions, achievements, or qualities.

- 원한 (Resentment): A feeling of bitterness or indignation towards someone or something perceived as unfair or unjust, often accompanied by a desire for retaliation or revenge.

- 씀씀한 (Bitterness): A strong feeling of resentment, cynicism, or hostility resulting from unresolved anger, disappointment, or injustice.


"His jealousy turned into envy, and eventually, it led to resentment and bitterness."


**Despair / Desperation**

- 절망 (Despair): A feeling of utter hopelessness, dejection, or gloominess, often accompanied by a loss of faith or belief in the possibility of improvement or change.

- 절망 (Desperation): A feeling of hopelessness, despair, or extreme urgency resulting from a desperate or dire situation, often accompanied by a sense of helplessness or powerlessness.


"I couldn't hide my disappointment when things didn't go as planned. It led to some regret and general discontent."



- 호기심 (Curiosity): A feeling of interest, inquisitiveness, or desire to know or learn about something new or unknown.


“Her curiosity about the world led her to travel and explore new cultures."



- 좌절 (Frustration): A feeling of annoyance, irritation, or dissatisfaction resulting from the inability to achieve one's goals, desires, or expectations, often accompanied by feelings of helplessness or impatience.


"The constant delays caused a lot of frustration among the team."



- 혐오 (Disgust): A strong feeling of revulsion, aversion, or repugnance towards something that is offensive, unpleasant, or repulsive.


"He looked at the mess with disgust."



- 혼란 (Confusion): A state of uncertainty, bewilderment, or disorientation resulting from a lack of clarity, understanding, or direction.


"After a long day, a warm bath can bring a lot of comfort."


### Neutral/Mixed Emotions



- 위로 (Comfort): A feeling of consolation, solace, or reassurance that brings relief or ease to one's mind or emotions.


**Yearning / Nostalgia**

- 갈망 (Yearning): A strong feeling of intense desire or longing for something that is absent or unattainable, often accompanied by a sense of emptiness or incompleteness.

- 향수 (Nostalgia): A sentimental longing or affectionate remembrance for the past, often accompanied by a sense of wistfulness or yearning.


"There's a deep yearning for the days gone by. Sometimes, nostalgia just hits you out of nowhere."


**Empowerment / Resilience / Determination**

- 자기 결정 (Empowerment): The process of gaining control, authority, or influence over one's own life or circumstances.

- 회복력 (Resilience): The capacity to recover quickly from adversity, setbacks, or challenges, often characterized by adaptability, flexibility, and inner strength.

- 결의 (Determination): A feeling of resolve, commitment, or firmness of purpose to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle, often accompanied by perseverance or persistence.


"The training program is all about empowerment and building resilience. You also need a lot of determination to get through it."


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