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영어 에세이 쓰기 (4차)

by 언올차 2023. 5. 13.

영어 에세이 쓰기 (4차) 브레인스토밍 후/ 영어 글쓰기는 재미있다./ 걱정이다 앞길이 구만리/ 영어 공부 힘내자/ 영어는 재미있다/


문제 : " Climate change is the biggest global issue today. Governments and individuals must change their behavior dramtically to ensure a sustainable future, even if it meams inposing legal restrictions on human activity."


Secondly, the companies are also responsible for climate change. A number of pollutions is occurred in all industries at companies. therefore, companies have to change from making pollution to reducing it as an occupied society member.


Finally, people have already made efforts prevented the environment in their life. For instance, people used to save electronic power or natural material in their home and work, bring the own bags, and spared the garbage to recycle. Some people argue it also made the government as the rule, and supported a tax from their citizen. However, if people didn't engage those campaign, the environment could be worse than now. The government’s rules not limit as the laws can confirm that people are able to cooperate in environmental protection as well as positive results.


In conclusion, this report support to keep individual rights but also keep the environment. Although to preserve the environment is a specific problem, individual rights are more important. It will be better than now, because all people will spend the time to protect the earth such as recycle, save the natural material.




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