카테고리 없음


언올차 2023. 11. 27. 09:34

Hiya how are you? I'm good things thanks thanks thanks thank you

today I just arrived and then today I just record my voice, and I will check the wrong Experian expression of my voice or of my words and I really didn't know I just felt is too bad because sometimes I just said exactly pronunciation about the word God but but however my iPad didn't understand the meaning they just arrived some wrong his parents or wrong bars yeah sometimes I just say the board but they just mention god so I will try to change it the word and then we will check the great wrong grandma and grandma grandma grandma grandma  grandma. Why, why you Llosa find a grandmother? I just say the grandma grandma grandma pool parties everything. And yeah I think that is foolish foolish fools. Yeah, right away yeah that is you.



no, I just worry about some part is just to say not I didn't say anything. No no no no whatever no yes why changes every tooth off I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to bed and then take my call to sleep and later I'm reading about it because now I'm lazy and I don't want to block anything so that is bad. I know that but I am.

 Behavior really really think about this, for we will think about this part when the knee beat came, and we became a win when we became the auto know when we became on all the law on auto auto auto British who is not British that is not British yeah is it anyway just so I just I will check and I want to talk about some parts we when we hang over and threw away some kind of some bad situation. How can we solve the problem in another country more in South Korea no more is an image of the region I just to talk anything chance of Cerrone song right there because I just recording my voice I didn't take anything about some parents is very wrong. Why are you just to say parents what the phone but The phone OK see you bye
