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in which 그리고 in what 문법 비교

by 언올차 2024. 5. 28.

문법비교, in which, in what, 영어문법, 영어공부, 영어문장만들기.

- "In which": This phrase is used to introduce a relative clause that provides additional information about a noun. It typically refers to a specific situation, place, or thing mentioned earlier in the sentence.

이 구는 명사에 대한 추가 정보를 제공하는 관계사절을 소개하는 데 사용됩니다. 일반적으로 문장 앞부분에서 언급된 특정 상황, 장소 또는 사물을 나타냅니다.


- "In what": This phrase often introduces an indirect question or a clause specifying the content or nature of something. It reflects interest, confidence, satisfaction, or other emotions related to the described information or situation.

이 문구는 종종 간접적인 질문이나 내용이나 성격을 지정하는 절을 소개합니다. 설명된 정보나 상황과 관련된 관심, 자신감, 만족 또는 기타 감정을 반영합니다.

### Sentences with "In which"

 The room in which the meeting was held is very spacious.
   - 회의가 열린 방은 매우 넓다.

 This is the book in which the hero defeats the villain.
   - 이것은 주인공이 악당을 물리치는 책이다.

 The park in which we had our picnic is beautiful.
   - 우리가 소풍을 갔던 공원은 아름답다.

 The movie in which she stars is a blockbuster.
   - 그녀가 주연을 맡은 영화는 대히트작이다.

 The experiment in which he participated yielded significant results.
   - 그가 참여한 실험은 중요한 결과를 낳았다.

 The box in which the jewelry was kept is locked.
   - 보석이 보관된 상자는 잠겨 있다.

 This is the project in which all team members contributed.
   - 이것은 모든 팀원들이 기여한 프로젝트이다.

 The restaurant in which we dined was very expensive.
   - 우리가 식사한 레스토랑은 매우 비쌌다.

 There is a folder in which all the documents are stored.
   - 모든 문서가 보관된 폴더가 있다.

 The contest in which she won first prize was very competitive.
    - 그녀가 1등을 한 대회는 매우 경쟁이 치열했다.

 The city in which he was born is famous for its historical landmarks.
   - 그가 태어난 도시는 역사적인 명소로 유명하다.

 She showed me the journal in which she had written all her travel experiences.
   - 그녀는 자신의 모든 여행 경험을 기록한 일기를 나에게 보여주었다.

 The school in which she teaches is one of the best in the country.
   - 그녀가 가르치는 학교는 나라에서 가장 좋은 학교 중 하나이다.

 The box in which the cookies were stored kept them fresh for weeks.
   - 쿠키가 보관된 상자는 쿠키를 몇 주 동안 신선하게 유지했다.

 There was a meeting in which important decisions were made.
   - 중요한 결정들이 내려진 회의가 있었다.

 The event in which he won the award was broadcasted live.
   - 그가 상을 받은 행사는 생중계되었다.

 The journal in which she published her research is highly respected.
   - 그녀가 연구를 발표한 저널은 매우 존경받는다.

 The folder in which the contract was kept was missing.
   - 계약서가 보관된 폴더가 사라졌다.

 The country in which they live has a very low crime rate.
   - 그들이 사는 나라는 범죄율이 매우 낮다.

 The conference in which she gave a speech was well-attended.
    - 그녀가 연설한 회의는 참석자가 많았다.

### Sentences with "In what"

 He was interested in what she had to say about the project.
   - 그는 그녀가 프로젝트에 대해 말한 것에 관심이 있었다.

 She found value in what the experience taught her.
   - 그녀는 그 경험이 가르쳐준 것에 가치를 느꼈다.

 They were disappointed in what the results showed.
   - 그들은 결과가 보여준 것에 실망했다.

 The coach was proud in what the team achieved this season.
   - 코치는 팀이 이번 시즌에 이룬 것에 자부심을 느꼈다.

 He took pride in what his son had become.
   - 그는 아들이 된 것에 자부심을 느꼈다.

 She invested time in what she believed to be a worthy cause.
   - 그녀는 가치 있는 일이라고 믿는 것에 시간을 투자했다.

 They were confident in what their research had uncovered.
   - 그들은 연구가 밝혀낸 것에 자신이 있었다.

 He was disappointed in what he considered unfair treatment.
   - 그는 불공정한 대우라고 생각하는 것에 실망했다.

 She found joy in what her friends had planned for her birthday.
   - 그녀는 친구들이 자신의 생일을 위해 계획한 것에 기쁨을 느꼈다.

 The scientist was meticulous in what he recorded during the experiment.
    - 과학자는 실험 동안 기록한 것에 꼼꼼했다.

 He was intrigued in what the speaker had to say about climate change.
   - 그는 연사가 기후 변화에 대해 말한 것에 흥미를 느꼈다.

 She found joy in what her children accomplished at school.
   - 그녀는 자녀들이 학교에서 성취한 것에 기쁨을 느꼈다.

 They were disappointed in what they saw at the new restaurant.
   - 그들은 새 레스토랑에서 본 것에 실망했다.

 He took pride in what he had built with his own hands.
   - 그는 자신의 손으로 지은 것에 자부심을 느꼈다.

 She invested her time in what she believed would help her career.
   - 그녀는 자신의 경력에 도움이 될 것이라고 믿는 것에 시간을 투자했다.

 They were skeptical in what the advertisement claimed.
   - 그들은 광고가 주장한 것에 회의적이었다.

 He was interested in what the professor said during the lecture.
   - 그는 교수님이 강의 중에 말한 것에 관심이 있었다.

 She felt relief in what the doctor told her about her condition.
   - 그녀는 의사가 자신의 상태에 대해 말한 것에 안도감을 느꼈다.

 The company was confident in what their new product could achieve.
   - 그 회사는 새로운 제품이 성취할 수 있는 것에 자신이 있었다.

 He was disappointed in what he received as a gift.
    - 그는 선물로 받은 것에 실망했다.

문장을 비교하면서 해당 부분에 대해 상기하게 되는 계기가 되었습니다. 읽는 분들 모두에게 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.

in which, in what, 문법공부, 영어문장예문, 영어공부, 영어문장구조.
