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문법비교_현재완료와 미래완료

by 언올차 2024. 5. 22.

현재완료, 미래완료, 시제비교, 현재완료와 미래완료의 차이, 문장예제, 대화문 예제.

현재완료와 미래완료에 대해 차이에 대해 구분을 한 적이 없어, 이번기회에 내용에 대해 작성해 보는 시간을 가졌습니다. 각각의 시제의 예시 문장과 대화문 예제를 작성하면서 차이에 대해 느낄 수 있는 계기가 되었습니다. 


  • 미래 완료 구조 : Subject + will have + past participle
  • 현재 완료 구조 : Subject + have/has + past participle


I will have finished my homework by tomorrow.

나는 내일까지 숙제를 끝낼 것이다.

She will have travelled to France three times by next year.

그녀는 내년까지 프랑스에 세 번 여행 갔을 것이다.

They will have built a new house by the end of this year.

그들은 올해 말까지 새 집을 지었을 것이다.

We will have known each other for ten years by next month.

우리는 다음 달까지 서로를 10년 동안 알고 있을 것이다.

The company will have launched a new product by the end of this quarter.

그 회사는 이번 분기 말까지 신제품을 출시했을 것이다.

By the time you arrive, I will have finished cooking dinner.

네가 도착할 때쯤 나는 저녁 식사를 끝냈을 것이다.

She will have graduated from university by next June.

그녀는 내년 6월까지 대학을 졸업했을 것이다.

They will have traveled to five countries by the end of this year.

그들은 올해 말까지 다섯 개국을 여행했을 것이다.

We will have saved enough money to buy a house by next year.

우리는 내년까지 집을 살 만큼 충분한 돈을 모았을 것이다.

The construction will have been completed by the time the event starts.

행사가 시작될 때쯤 공사가 완료될 것이다.


I have visited the new museum.

나는 새 박물관을 방문했다.

They have never seen such a beautiful sunset.

그들은 그런 아름다운 일몰을 본 적이 없다.

We have already completed the assignment.

우리는 이미 과제를 완료했다.

He has recently moved to a new city.

그는 최근에 새 도시로 이사했다.

The team has achieved all their goals this year.

팀은 올해 그들의 모든 목표를 달성했다.


  • Comparison of Present Perfect and Future Perfect

Present Perfect: "I have visited Japan." (과거 어느 시점에 일본을 방문했다)

Future Perfect: "I will have visited Japan by next summer." (내년 여름까지 일본을 방문할 것이다)

Present Perfect: "She has worked here for five years." (그녀는 여기서 5년 동안 일했다)

Future Perfect: "She will have worked here for five years by next March." (그녀는 내년 3월까지 여기서 5년 동안 일했을 것이다)

Present Perfect: "They have completed the project." (그들은 프로젝트를 완료했다)

Future Perfect: "They will have completed the project before the deadline." (그들은 마감일 전에 프로젝트를 완료할 것이다)

Present Perfect: "We have learned the basics of Spanish." (우리는 스페인어 기초를 배웠다)

Future Perfect: "We will have learned the basics of Spanish by the end of the course." (우리는 코스가 끝날 때까지 스페인어 기초를 배울 것이다)

Present Perfect: "He has seen that movie already." (그는 이미 그 영화를 봤다)

Future Perfect: "He will have seen that movie by the time you see him." (그는 당신이 그를 볼 때쯤 그 영화를 봤을 것이다)


  • Dialogues

Dialogue 1: Present Perfect

A: Have you ever been to Italy?

B: Yes, I have visited Italy twice. It's a beautiful country.

A: What cities have you visited?

B: I have been to Rome, Florence, and Venice. Each city has its own charm.


Dialogue 2: Future Perfect

A: Do you think you will finish the report by tomorrow?

B: Yes, I will have finished it by the end of the day.

A: That's great! We need to review it before the meeting.

B: No worries. I will have sent it to you for review by tonight.


Dialogue 3: Present Perfect

A: Have you seen the latest movie in the series?

B: Yes, I have seen it. It was fantastic!

A: I haven't seen it yet. Is it worth watching?

B: Definitely! You should watch it as soon as possible.


Dialogue 4: Future Perfect

A: When will you have completed your training?

B: I will have completed it by the end of next month.

A: That’s good to hear. We need your expertise on the new project.

B: I will be ready to contribute once the training is over.


Dialogue 5: Combining Both Tenses

A: How long have you worked here?

B: I have worked here for five years.

A: By this time next year, you will have worked here for six years!

B: Yes, time flies! It feels like I started just yesterday.


현재완료, 미래완료, 시제비교, 현재완료와 미래완료의 차이, 문장예제, 대화문 예제.
