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by 언올차 2024. 5. 28.

영어로 글을 써보고 그 중에 내가 부족한 내용이 무엇이 있을지 알아보는 시간을 가져보았습니다. 

"I booked a movie that I noticed was supposed to start at 10 AM, but it was actually at 10 PM. I realized this at the ticket counter in the cinema and understood that I had misunderstood the movie time. After sitting down, I tried to find other movies to watch, but most of them were not suitable for adults. So, I left and visited several stores to buy convenience items such as a toothbrush, lithium batteries, and notebooks. When I got back home, I prepared lunch in a Korean style, which included soup and rice. I forgot that my rice cooker was empty, so I couldn't make the rice right away and needed more time than I had thought. While waiting, I watched a video of someone eating delicious food. Although I wasn't hungry, it made me want to eat something."

"아침 10시에 시작하기로 되어 있는 영화를 예매했는데 실제로는 오후 10시였습니다. 영화관 매표소에서 이 사실을 깨닫고 영화 시간을 착각했다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 자리에 앉아 시도했습니다. 다른 영화를 찾아보려 했는데 대부분 어른들이 볼 수 없는 영화였기 때문에 여러 매장을 돌아다니며 칫솔, 리튬 배터리, 노트북 등 편의용품을 구입했습니다. 국과 밥이 포함된 한국식 밥솥이 비어 있다는 사실을 잊어버리고 바로 밥을 짓게 되었는데, 기다리는 동안 누군가가 맛있는 음식을 먹는 모습을 보니 생각보다 시간이 더 걸렸다. 배가 고프지 않아서 뭔가 먹고 싶더라고요."

### Explanations:

1. I booked the movie which I noticed to start at 10am but it was 10pm.

   Correction: "I booked a movie that I noticed was supposed to start at 10 AM, but it was actually at 10 PM."
   Explanation: "Which" should be "that" to introduce a defining clause. "Noticed to start" is unnatural; "noticed was supposed to start" is clearer. "But it was 10 PM" clarifies the actual time more directly.

2. I have recognised it in front of the checking teble in cinema that the movie time was misunderstood.

  Correction: I realized this at the ticket counter in the cinema and understood that I had misunderstood the movie time.
  Explanation: "Recognised" should be "realized" for natural flow. "In front of the checking table" is unnatural; "at the ticket counter" is the common term. "The movie time was misunderstood" is passive and unclear; "I had misunderstood the movie time" is active and clear.

3. After I sit the chair and was going to find the other movies, but most of movie is not for adults.

   Correction: After sitting down, I tried to find other movies to watch, but most of them were not suitable for adults.
   Explanation: "After I sit the chair" should be "After sitting down" for correct tense and natural phrasing. "Going to find" is vague; "tried to find" is clearer. "Most of movie is not for adults" should be "most of them were not suitable for adults" to correct grammar and clarify meaning.

4. So, I just went out and walk several store for buying convenience items such as teeth brush, lithium battery, and notes.

  Correction: So, I left and visited several stores to buy convenience items such as a toothbrush, lithium batteries, and notebooks.
  Explanation: "Walk several store" should be "visited several stores" for correct tense and phrasing. "Teeth brush" should be "toothbrush." "Lithium battery" should be pluralized to "lithium batteries." "Notes" should be "notebooks" for clarity.

5. When I was back to my place, I prepared for my lunch as a Korean style which occupy soup and rice.

  Correction: When I got back home, I prepared lunch in a Korean style, which included soup and rice.
  Explanation: "When I was back to my place" should be "When I got back home" for natural phrasing.

Prepared for my lunch as a Korean style" should be "prepared lunch in a Korean style" for clarity. "Occupy" should be "included" for correct meaning.

6. I forgot my store, it was empty. So I wouldn't have been making the rice. I needed more time than my thought.

  Correction: I forgot that my rice cooker was empty, so I couldn't make the rice right away and needed more time than I had thought.
  Explanation: "Forgot my store" is unclear; "forgot that my rice cooker was empty" is precise. "Wouldn't have been making the rice" should be "couldn't make the rice right away." "Than my thought" should be "than I had thought" for correct phrasing.

7. I watched the video which someone ate delicious food. Although I was not hungry, I wanted to eat something.

  Correction: "While waiting, I watched a video of someone eating delicious food. Although I wasn't hungry, it made me want to eat something."
   Explanation: "Watched the video which someone ate delicious food" should be "watched a video of someone eating delicious food" for correct phrasing. "Although I was not hungry" is fine but "wasn't" is more conversational. Adding "it made me" clarifies the cause and effect.

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